Deer Season

Hello out there my faithful peeps! It has come to my realization that it has been a while since I have blogged. So for all of you out there with saddened faces and downcast eyes here I am again to tell you about me personal stuff again. Well it is deer hunting season for bow and I have been out a few times. So far I have seen deer, a coyote, two red headed woodpeckers, a skunk, loads of squirrels, a racoon and just tonight I shot at a nice six point buck and a doe as well. I just barely missed the buck by like two inches. So season is up and going well. As far as other things well, all is well at home with the wife and kids. This weekend we are headed back down south to preach at the Trinity Gospel Tabernacle again to see if we will take the church. We have to go back next week as well and preach and then they will vote on us. Praying and fingers crossed!

~ by nathanstevens83 on October 30, 2008.

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