His strength is made perfect in weakness.

This verse seems so hard for us to get ahold of sometimes because it goes against everything we are about. We think that when things need done they just need done. We try so hard and pour ourselves into things and then so many times they just fall apart and then we fall apart. God is looking for that unreserved faith or reackless faith that says God I cant do it on my own. I need you help and I know that you can do it. Until we get to this place thigs will continue to fall apart. But that’s why His strength is perfect. He knows just the help that we need, he knows how much patience we need, He knows how much grace that we need and he provides the perfect amount that we need. That perfect amount goes above and beyond what we expect because in our eyes we expected failure again but in His strength we find victory!

~ by nathanstevens83 on April 7, 2009.

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